Hi, I'm
Jackson Woodruff
Assistant Professor, University of Edinburgh

I'm a lecturer (assistant professor) at the University of Edinburgh working on compilers for hardware accelerators.
Currently Recruiting PhD Students, if interested send me an email.
My research sets out to make fast hardware easy to use. We design compilers, software engineering tools and hardware design tools to make this easier.
The key questions I set out to answer are:
- How do we make hardware accelerators easy to use?
- How can we improve existing programming models (in particular, APIs and DSLs)?
- How do we make it easier to build compilers for hardware accelerators?
- What tools do programmers need to use hardware accelerators?
- How can we use compilers to co-design hardware?
- Can we leverage hardware accelerators to reduce carbon emissions?

Anton Lydike
Making accelerators more flexible
- Forklift: An Extensible Neural LifterCOLMPDF
- Secco: Codesign for Resource Sharing in Regular Expression AcceleratorsASP-DACPDF, Code
- SLaDe: A Portable Small Language Model Decompiler for Optimized AssemblerCGOPaper
- Rewriting History: Repurposing Domain-Specific CGRAsarXivPDF, Code
- C2TACO: Lifting Tensor Code to TACOGPCEGPCE Best Paper AwardPaper, Code
- When does saving power save the planet?HotCarbonPaper
- Designing CGRAs with Deep Reinforcement LearningDoSSAPaper, Code
- Matching linear algebra and tensor code to specialized hardware acceleratorsCCPreprint
- Bind the Gap: Compiling Real Software to Hardware FFT AcceleratorsPLDIPreprint, Code, Talk
- ExeBench: an ML-scale dataset of executable C functionsMAPS@PLDIPaper
- NRG: A Network Perspective on Applications' PerformanceTMAPDF
- New Regular Expressions on Old Accelerators58th Design Automation ConferencePreprint, Code
- M3: Semantic API MigrationsASEPDF
- Modeling black-box components with probabilistic synthesisGPCEGPCE Best Paper AwardPDF, Code
- Measuring Burstiness in Data Center ApplicationsBuffers WorkshopPDF
- P4DNS: In-Network DNSEuroP4(Also presented at ICIN 2020 and IETF Meeting 107 to the COIN sub-group) Xilinx Open Hardware Award 2020PDF, Code, Video
Getting In Touch
We are based at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland.
You can contact me at Jackson [dot] Woodruff [at] ed.ac.uk